JSON Diff and Patch Operations

How to perform JSON diff & patch operations with a TerminusDB client or with MongoDB


Install a client

Install a JavaScript or Python TerminusDB client.

Use the client with TerminusDB

Install and run the docker container on localhost

Diff & Patch with Client

TerminusDB represents objects such as documents and schemas in JSON-LD format. Use JSON Diff and Patch to easily compare these objects to obtain differences between them.

The Diff function returns a Patch object containing differences between the objects compared. Use Patch to implement manual or programmatic actions to resolve differences. Actions include:

  • Retain the original object.

  • Change to the new (or latest) version of the object.

  • Create a new version of the object.

The functionality above is demonstrated in three simple steps:

Define documents

For simplicity, this demonstration represents JSON documents as client objects. Two 'document' objects are defined - jane and janine.

const jane = {
  "@id": "Person/Jane",
  "@type": "Person",
  age: 18,
  name: "Jane",

const janine = {
  "@id": "Person/Jane",
  "@type": "Person",
  age: 18,
  name: "Janine",

Compare documents

Apply the diff function to jane and janine to populate the patch objectresult_patch. View the contents of result_patch to see any differences.

const result_patch = await client.getDiff(jane, janine);


Implement actions

After patch

Use the patch function to apply result_patch to the document jane. The object after_patch contains a copy of jane after the patch is applied.

Use after_patch to suit your requirements. The following example compares the modified jane document to the original janine document.

const after_patch = await client.patch(jane, result_patch);


console.log(JSON.stringify(after_patch) === JSON.stringify(janine));

Replace/update document

If there are differences between the two documents, you may wish to replace one document with the other. Use replace document functionality for this.

Diff & Patch with MongoDB

An example in four simple steps demonstrating the use JSON Diff and Patch with another JSON-compliant database - MongoDB:

Insert items into a MongoDB database

Create a new MongoDB database and insert three items - item_1 to item_3 into a collection object.

const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");

// Connection URL
const url = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
const client = new MongoClient(url);

// Database Name
const dbName = "user_shopping_list";

async function main() {
  // Use connect method to connect to the server
  await client.connect();
  console.log("Connected successfully to server");

  // Create the database for our example (we will use the same database throughout the tutorial
  const db = client.db(dbName);
  const collection = db.collection("user_1_items");

  let item_1 = {
    _id: "U1IT00001",
    item_name: "Blender",
    max_discount: "10%",
    batch_number: "RR450020FRG",
    price: 340,
    category: "kitchen appliance",

  const item_2 = {
    _id: "U1IT00002",
    item_name: "Egg",
    category: "food",
    quantity: 12,
    price: 36,
    item_description: "brown country eggs",
  const insertResult = await collection.insertMany([item_1, item_2]);
  console.log("Inserted documents =>", insertResult);

  const item_3 = {
    item_name: "Bread",
    quantity: 2,
    ingredients: "all-purpose flour",
    expiry_date: "2021-07-13 00:00:00",
  await collection.insertOne(item_3);

  return "done";

  .finally(() => client.close());

Modify an item

The 'document' new_item_1 represents a modified instance of item_1 with changes to properties max_discount and price.

const new_item_1 = {
  _id: "U1IT00001",
  item_name: "Blender",
  max_discount: "50%",
  batch_number: "RR450020FRG",
  price: 450,
  category: "kitchen appliance",

Compare modified and original items

Retrieve the original item in the collection and compare it to the modified item new_item_1.

const tbd_endpoint = new TerminusDBClient.WOQLClient("", {
  user: "admin",
  organization: "admin",
  key: "root",

// Find the item back from database in case someone already changed it
item_1 = collection.findOne({ item_name: "Blender" });
const patch = tbd_endpoint.getDiff(item_1, new_item_1);


Update the original item

Update the original item in the MongoDB database. If required, review the differences prior to the update.

Define a function patchMongo to get a patch object:

const mongoPatch = function(patch){
    let query = {};
    let set = {};

    if('object' === typeof patch){
        for(var key in patch){
            const entry = patch[key];

            if( entry['@op'] == 'SwapValue'){
                query[key] = entry['@before'];
                set[key] = entry['@after'];
            }else if(key === '_id'){
                query[key] = ObjectId(entry);
                let [sub_query,sub_set] = mongoPatch(entry);
                query[key] = sub_query;
                if(! sub_set === null){
                    set[key] = sub_set;
        return [query,set]
        return [patch,null]

Apply the patch:

let [q,s] = mongoPatch(patch);

await collection.updateOne(q, {"$set": s});

Further Reading

JSON Diff and Patch client functions

JavaScript client diff and patch.

Python client diff and patch.

Demonstration script

The full script for this demonstration (on GitHub.)

Last updated