The TerminusDB Command Line Interface commands.


terminusdb [command subcommand positional_arguments] flags


The terminusdb(1) command line tool allows users to interact with a database, allowing common operations such as querying (and updating), database creation, data ingestion and maintainence.


terminusdb accepts a command, sometimes followed by a subcommand. The accepted commands are given here, along with their arguments.


terminusdb help

Display help regarding terminusdb.

  • -m, --markdown=[value]: generate help as markdown


terminusdb test OPTIONS

Run internal TerminusDB tests.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for test command

  • -t, --test=[value]: Run a specific test


terminusdb serve OPTIONS

Run the TerminusDB server.

  • -h, --help=[value]: Print help for serve command

  • -i, --interactive=[value]: Run server in interactive mode

  • -m, --memory=[value]: Run server in-memory, without a persistent store. Takes a password as an optional argument. The in-memory store will be initialized with an admin account with the given password. If absent, the admin account will have 'root' as a password.


terminusdb list OPTIONS

List available databases. [DEPRECATED]

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the list command

  • -b, --branches=[value]: also describe the available branches

  • -j, --json=[value]: Return a JSON as the result of the list command


terminusdb optimize DB_SPEC OPTIONS

Optimize a database (including _system and _meta).

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the optimize command


terminusdb query DB_SPEC QUERY OPTIONS

Query a database.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the query command

  • -m, --message=[value]: message to associate with the commit

  • -a, --author=[value]: author to place on the commit

  • -j, --json=[value]: return results as a json object


terminusdb push DB_SPEC

Push a branch.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the push command

  • -b, --branch=[value]: set the origin branch for push

  • -e, --remote-branch=[value]: set the branch on the remote for push

  • -r, --remote=[value]: the name of the remote to use

  • -x, --prefixes=[value]: send prefixes for database

  • -t, --token=[value]: machine access token

  • -u, --user=[value]: the user on the remote

  • -p, --password=[value]: the password on the remote


terminusdb clone URI <DB_SPEC>

Clone a database (into DB_SPEC).

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the clone command

  • -t, --token=[value]: machine access token

  • -u, --user=[value]: the user on the remote

  • -p, --password=[value]: the password on the remote

  • -o, --organization=[value]: organizational owner of the cloned database

  • -l, --label=[value]: label to use for this database

  • -c, --comment=[value]: long description of the cloned database

  • -b, --public=[value]: whether the cloned database is to be public


terminusdb pull BRANCH_SPEC

Pull a branch from a database.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the pull command

  • -e, --remote-branch=[value]: set the branch on the remote for pull

  • -r, --remote=[value]: the name of the remote to use

  • -t, --token=[value]: machine access token

  • -u, --user=[value]: the user on the remote

  • -p, --password=[value]: the password on the remote


terminusdb fetch DB_SPEC

fetch data from a remote.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the fetch command

  • -r, --remote=[value]: the name of the remote to use

  • -t, --token=[value]: machine access token

  • -u, --user=[value]: the user on the remote

  • -p, --password=[value]: the password on the remote



Rebase a database with commits from FROM_DATABASE_SPEC into TO_DATABASE_SPEC.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the rebase command

  • -a, --author=[value]: The author of the rebase


terminusdb rollup DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Creates an optimisation layer for queries on the given commit.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the rollup command


terminusdb bundle DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Create a pack for a given DATABASE_SPEC that can then be reconsistuted with terminusdb unpack.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the bundle command

  • -o, --output=[value]: file name to use for pack output file (defaults to descriptor based name).


terminusdb unbundle DATABASE_SPEC FILE OPTIONS

Unbundle a bundle file.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the unbundle command


terminusdb diff [Path] OPTIONS

Create a diff between two JSONs, a JSON and a commit (path required), or two commits (path required).

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the diff command

  • -b, --before=[value]: JSON document which is the before

  • -a, --after=[value]: JSON document which is the after

  • -k, --keep=[value]: Skeleton of the document to retain as context

  • -c, --copy-value, --copy_value=[value]: Maintain explit copies of diffs in lists

  • -d, --docid=[value]: document id to use for comparisons

  • -p, --before_commit, --before-commit=[value]: Commit or branch of the before document(s)

  • -s, --after_commit, --after-commit=[value]: Commit or branch of the after document(s)


terminusdb apply [Path] OPTIONS

Apply a diff to path which is obtained from the differences between two commits

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the apply command

  • -m, --message=[value]: message to associate with the commit

  • -a, --author=[value]: author to place on the commit

  • -k, --keep=[value]: Skeleton of the document to retain as context

  • -t, --type=[value]: Variety of commit to create on apply (currently only squash)

  • -f, --match-final-state, --match_final_state=[value]: Allow conflicting patch to apply if patch would yield the same final state

  • -p, --before_commit, --before-commit=[value]: Commit of the before document(s)

  • -s, --after_commit, --after-commit=[value]: Commit of the after document(s)


terminusdb log DB_SPEC

Get the log for a branch given by DB_SPEC.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the log command

  • -j, --json=[value]: return log as JSON

  • -s, --start=[value]: How far back in commit log to start giving results

  • -c, --count=[value]: Number of results to return



Reset the branch at BRANCH_SPEC to the COMMIT_OR_COMMIT_SPEC

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the reset command

branch create

terminusdb branch create BRANCH_SPEC OPTIONS

Create a branch.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the branch create sub command

  • -o, --origin=[value]: the origin branch to use (false for none)

branch delete

terminusdb branch delete BRANCH_SPEC OPTIONS

Delete a branch.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the branch delete sub command

db list

terminusdb list DB_SPEC [.. DB_SPECN] OPTIONS

List available databases.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the list command

  • -b, --branches=[value]: also describe the available branches

  • -v, --verbose=[value]: return lots of metadata

  • -j, --json=[value]: Return a JSON as the result of the list command

db create

terminusdb db create DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Create a database.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the db create sub command

  • -o, --organization=[value]: organizational owner of the database

  • -l, --label=[value]: label to use for this database

  • -c, --comment=[value]: long description of this database

  • -p, --public=[value]: whether this database is to be public

  • -k, --schema=[value]: whether to use a schema

  • -d, --data_prefix, --data-prefix=[value]: uri prefix to use for data

  • -s, --schema_prefix, --schema-prefix=[value]: uri prefix to use for schema

  • -x, --prefixes=[value]: additional defined prefixes in JSON

db delete

terminusdb db delete DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Delete a database.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the db delete sub command

  • -o, --organization=[value]: organizational owner of the database

  • -f, --force=[value]: force the deletion of the database (unsafe)

db update

terminusdb db update DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Update a database setting the OPTIONS in an existing database.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the db update sub command

  • -l, --label=[value]: label to use for this database

  • -c, --comment=[value]: long description of this database

  • -p, --public=[value]: whether this database is to be public

  • -k, --schema=[value]: whether to use a schema

  • -x, --prefixes=[value]: Explicitly defined prefix set (in JSON)

doc insert

terminusdb doc insert DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Insert documents.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the doc insert sub command

  • -m, --message=[value]: message to associate with the commit

  • -a, --author=[value]: author to place on the commit

  • -g, --graph_type, --graph-type=[value]: graph type (instance or schema)

  • -d, --data=[value]: document data

  • -j, --raw_json, --raw-json=[value]: inserts as raw json

  • -f, --full_replace, --full-replace=[value]: delete all previous documents and substitute these

doc delete

terminusdb doc delete DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Delete documents.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the doc delete sub command

  • -m, --message=[value]: message to associate with the commit

  • -a, --author=[value]: author to place on the commit

  • -g, --graph_type, --graph-type=[value]: graph type (instance or schema)

  • -i, --id=[value]: document id to delete

  • -d, --data=[value]: document data

  • -n, --nuke=[value]: nuke all documents

doc replace

terminusdb doc replace DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Replace documents.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the doc replace sub command

  • -m, --message=[value]: message to associate with the commit

  • -a, --author=[value]: author to place on the commit

  • -g, --graph_type, --graph-type=[value]: graph type (instance or schema)

  • -d, --data=[value]: document data

  • -j, --raw_json, --raw-json=[value]: replace as raw json

  • -c, --create=[value]: create document if it does not exist

doc get

terminusdb doc get DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

Query documents.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the doc get sub command

  • -g, --graph_type, --graph-type=[value]: graph type (instance or schema)

  • -s, --skip=[value]: number of documents to skip

  • -c, --count=[value]: number of documents to return

  • -m, --minimized=[value]: return minimized prefixes

  • -l, --as_list, --as-list=[value]: return results as a JSON list (as opposed to JSON-lines)

  • -u, --unfold=[value]: include subdocuments, or only subdocument ids

  • -i, --id=[value]: id of document to retrieve

  • -t, --type=[value]: type of document to retrieve

  • -z, --compress_ids, --compress-ids=[value]: return compressed / minimized ids using default prefixes

  • -q, --query=[value]: document query search template

role create

terminusdb role create ROLE_NAME ACTION_1 .. ACTION_N OPTIONS

Create a new role with the listed actions. Actions may be any of: "create_database", "delete_database", "class_frame", "clone", "fetch", "push", "branch", "rebase", "instance_read_access", "instance_write_access", "schema_read_access", "schema_write_access", "meta_read_access", "meta_write_access", "commit_read_access", "commit_write_access", "manage_capabilities"

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the role create sub command

role delete

terminusdb role create ROLE_ID_OR_ROLE_NAME

Delete a role from the system database

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the role delete sub command

  • -i, --id=[value]: Interpret argument as a role Id rather than a name.

role update


Update a role from the system database

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the role update sub command

  • -i, --id=[value]: Interpret argument as a role Id rather than a name.

role get

terminusdb role get <ROLE_ID_OR_ROLE_NAME>

Get a role description from name or id, or all roles if unspecified.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the role get sub command

  • -i, --id=[value]: Interpret argument as a role id rather than a name.

  • -j, --json=[value]: Return answer as a JSON document

organization create

terminusdb organization create ORGANIZATION_NAME

Create an organization with a given name.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the organization create sub command

organization delete

terminusdb organization delete ORGANIZATION_NAME_OR_ID

Create an organization with a given name or id.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the organization delete sub command

  • -i, --id=[value]: Interpret argument as an organization id rather than a name.

organization get

terminusdb organization get <ORGANIZATION_NAME_OR_ID>

Get an organization from its name or id, or list all if unspecified.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the organization get sub command

  • -i, --id=[value]: Interpret argument as an organization id rather than a name.

  • -j, --json=[value]: Return answer as a JSON document

user create

terminusdb user create USER

Create a user with a given name USER

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the user create sub command

  • -p, --password=[value]: Specify the password to use for the user

user delete

terminusdb organization delete USER

Delete a user with a given name or ID.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the user delete sub command

  • -i, --id=[value]: Interpret argument as an organization id rather than a name.

user get

terminusdb user get <USER_NAME_OR_ID>

Get a user from its name or id, or list all if unspecified.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the organization get sub command

  • -i, --id=[value]: Interpret argument as an organization id rather than a name.

  • -c, --capability=[value]: Report on all capabilities of this user.

  • -j, --json=[value]: Return answer as a JSON document

user password

terminusdb user password USER

Change passowrd for user USER

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the user create sub command

  • -p, --password=[value]: Specify the password to use for the user

capability grant

terminusdb capability grant USER SCOPE ROLE1 <...ROLEN>

Grant ROLE1 ... ROLEN over SCOPE to USER

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the store init sub command

  • -i, --ids=[value]: Should the User, Scope and Role be treated as IDs or names

  • -s, --scope_type, --scope-type=[value]: Should the scope be interpreted as a database (default) or an organization

capability revoke

terminusdb capability revoke USER SCOPE ROLE1 <...ROLEN>

Revoke ROLE1 ... ROLEN over SCOPE from USER

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the store init sub command

  • -i, --ids=[value]: Should the User, Scope and Role be treated as IDs or names

  • -s, --scope_type, --scope-type=[value]: Should the scope be interpreted as a database (default) or an organization

store init

terminusdb store init OPTIONS

Initialize a store for TerminusDB.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the store init sub command

  • -k, --key=[value]: key to use for admin login

  • -f, --force=[value]: force the creation of a new store even when one already exists

triples dump

terminusdb triples dump GRAPH_SPEC

Dump an RDF string.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the triples dump sub command

  • -f, --format=[value]: format of RDF (can be one of: [turtle])

triples update

terminusdb triples update GRAPH_SPEC FILE

Update from an RDF file (replaces current content).

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the triples update sub command

  • -m, --message=[value]: message to associate with the commit

  • -a, --author=[value]: author to place on the commit

  • -f, --format=[value]: format of RDF (can be one of: [turtle])

triples load

terminusdb triples load GRAPH_SPEC FILE

Load triples from RDF file (Appending new).

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the triples load sub command

  • -m, --message=[value]: message to associate with the commit

  • -a, --author=[value]: author to place on the commit

  • -f, --format=[value]: format of RDF (can be one of: [turtle])

remote add


Add a remote.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the remote add sub command

remote remove

terminusdb remote delete DATABASE_SPEC REMOTE_NAME OPTIONS

Remove a remote.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the remote remove sub command

remote set-url


Set the URL of a remote.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the remote set-url sub command

remote get-url

terminusdb remote get-url DATABASE_SPEC REMOTE_NAME OPTIONS

Get the URL of a remote.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the remote get-url sub command

  • -r, --remote=[value]: the name of the remote to use

remote list

terminusdb remote list DATABASE_SPEC OPTIONS

List remotes.

  • -h, --help=[value]: print help for the remote list sub command


The designation of databases, repositories, the associated commit graph of a database, and various graphs as used in the above command requires the use of an appropriate descriptor path which is referred to as the DB_SPEC.

  • _system: This is the system meta-data, which contains the user information, organization information and database records.

  • <organization>/<database>: This is the most basic descriptor path and actually refers to the more specific default path <organization>/<database>/local/branch/main.

  • <organization>/<database>/_meta: This is the repository graph associated with database. It contains information about the local repository and all known remotes.

  • <organization>/<database>/<repository>: This is a longer form database designator which specifies which respository we would like to address. It refers implicitly to <organization>/<database>/<repository>/branch/main.

  • <organization>/<database>/<repository>/_commits: The commit graph associated with a given database. This graph contains metadata about branch histories with their commit objects including the authorship and time.

  • <organization>/<database>/<repository>/branch/<branch>: The most specific branch descriptor, allows you to address a branch other than main.

  • <organization>/<database>/<repository>/commit/<commit>: The descriptor which allows an individual commit to be addressed directly.

For commands that refer to a GRAPH_SPEC, it should be a DB_SPEC (specifying the precise branch if a database) followed by one of:

  • DB_SPEC/instance

  • DB_SPEC/schema

For example:

terminusdb triples dump admin/people/local/branch/main/schema


  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_NAME: Set the servername to use for terminusdb serve. Default is

  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_PORT: Set the port to use for terminusdb serve. Default is 6363.

  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_WORKERS: Set the number of worker threads to use for terminusdb serve. Default is 8.

  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_MAX_TRANSACTION_RETRIES: Set the transaction retry count. Default is 3.

  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_DB_PATH: Set the location of the storage volume to be used by terminusdb operations. Can be addressed relative to current path using ./. Default is ./storage/db.

  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH: Set the public key path for JWT. Default is ''.

  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_ID: Set the public key identifier for JWT. Default is ''.

  • TERMINUSDB_CONSOLE_BASE_URL: Set the console javascript load URL. Default is

  • TERMINUSDB_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED: If true then attempt to login automatically with default password. Default is true.

  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_PACK_DIR: Location of the prolog pack directory if loading third party modules.

  • TERMINUSDB_SERVER_TMP_PATH: Path to use for temporary files.

  • TERMINUSDB_IGNORE_REF_AND_REPO_SCHEMA: Assume that ref and repo operations are inherently correct.


  • 0: Successfully program execution. Associated with api:success.

  • 1: A generic failure of the API to carry out the operation. Associated with api:failure.

  • 2: The resource which was being requested was not found. Associated with api:not_found.

  • 13: The user attempted to carry out an operation without appropriately authorizing or without permission. Associated with api:unauthorized or api:forbidden.

  • 13: Unauthorized access attempted. Associated with api:unauthorized.

  • 126: An api command was attempted which is not possible. Associated with api:method_not_allowed.

  • 131: Internal server error. Associated with api:server_error.


  • terminusdb db create admin/foo: Create a database in the organization admin with the identifier foo.

  • terminusdb db create admin/foo --label="Foo": Create a database in the organization admin with the identifier foo and name Foo.

Copyright 2021 TerminusDB

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Gavin Mendel-Gleason

Matthijs van Otterdijk

Robin de Rooij

Anne Ogborn

Dmytri Kleiner

Paulo Moura

Sean Leather

Last updated